File 502-6: Arco Tower Suite 1720

This suite has a large reception area/waiting room, hallways for walk and talks and a variety of different sized offices. The offices all have one glass wall that looks out on the communal area, as well as windows looking out on DTLA. CLICK ON ANY IMAGE BELOW FOR A LARGER VIEW USE THE BUTTON BELOW […]
File 502-5: Arco Tower 26th Floor

This floor is connected to the one above it via a great staircase that can serve as an additional location. The best way to describe this actual space is that it is cubicle heaven. Much of the floor is made-up of cubicles. There are also offices that ring the center space, again with windows that […]
File 502-4: Arco Tower 27th Floor Bar Assn

This fantastic suite was the former home of the LA County Bar Association. If you need room to build this is the location for you. Colorful and spacious this location has a reception area, an oversized conference room with a horseshoe conference table and a staircase connection it to the office suite on the 26th […]
File 502-3: Arco Tower Suite 3050

This modern, colorful office offers many options. It has large and small offices. An area that has cubicles and every window has a magnificent view of DTLA. CLICK ON ANY IMAGE BELOW FOR A LARGER VIEW USE THE BUTTON BELOW TO BOOK THIS PROPERTY, REFERENCE FILE #502-3 BOOK THIS PROPERTY Other Arco Tower Properties
File 502-2: Arco Tower 28th Floor

Enter into this suite to a reception area that leads to a secretary/assistant communal area. This space cab be configured to meet your needs. Ringing this area are offices, in a variety of spaces, that have windows looking out into the communal area and windows with a great view of DTLA. They also have conference […]
File 502-1: Arco Tower Exterior, Roof & Lobby

From the rich exterior to the marbled interior lobby this building can “cheat” any office building in a large metropolitan area. The large recessed elevator bank and oversized reception desk gives the continued upscale feel to this location. Yes, you can land a helicopter on the roof and see all of DTLA or whatever downtown […]