Rio Hondo College

Rio Hondo College is a new, exclusive property for Plan A Locations. It is a multi-building 135-acre site. In keeping with the philosophy of Plan A Locations, of representing only very film friendly properties, the Administration truly welcomes our presence on campus.

Traditionally, each file on our website has been made up of pictures and a description, but because many of the College files are very large, we are presenting them in a way that we hope will make it easier for you to fine what you need. In order to not waste your time these larger files will be broken down by page numbers. These numbers can be found at the bottom center of each photo. The space for descriptions will just contain the picture numbers and what you will see when you go to those numbered pages. The smaller files will continue to be set up in the traditional way. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Marylin Bitner 310-990-8788 or Mike Leon 323-314-6036.